DIY Unique Valentine’s Treats!


Instead of picking up a bag of candy at a big box store, visit your local candy store to make a unique Valentine’s treat!  Of course, we like to use our own salt water taffy for this little gift, but any chewy candy will do. Here’s how to make this fun little favor:

We LOVE for unique labels for small quantity printing. For this particular project, we used Avery’s 2 1/2 inch round label, item #94502. On their site, there are thousands of templates to choose from so that you can design and print from home. As you can see, this particular project was created by a donut lover. She was not into getting sappy with her messages or her design, so she chose a donut design. We completed the label with a special (and oh-so-punny) Valentine message of “I CHEWS You”.


After the labels were printed, we simply lined four pieces of Dolle’s stick salt water taffy in a small favor bag (available in craft stores), affixed the label, and VIOLA! Valentine success!


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